Vision/Mission Statement - Declaración de Misión


Aptitud Community Academy at Goss’ mission is to provide the highest quality elementary education to the children of the Capitol Park Neighborhood.  We will establish a school culture that instills in our students habits of a healthy lifestyle as a path to reaching their potential, academically, and as productive citizens. 



What it means to be an Educated Person in the 21st Century: 

The purpose of Aptitud Community Academy at Goss is to create an environment that enables every student to reach his or her potential by instilling in each child the skills needed to be healthy, self-confident, respectful, competent, and productive life-long learners. In order to become dynamic, valuable citizens, students will need to possess specific academic and life skills that will allow them to connect and compete with their peers around the world. Aptitud Community Academy at Goss will prepare students to excel in an ever-changing world by providing them with an exemplary education.




At Aptitud Community Academy at Goss, we believe that every child deserves to learn in an active and healthy environment.  The Academy is committed to high quality instruction with the rigor, resilience and relationships required to create college bound and career ready leaders in our society.