Parent and Student Resources/Recursos para Padres y Estudiantes
Welcome to the Aptitud Family!
PARENT PARTICIPATION HOURS: All Aptitud parents are asked to participate/support their children’s education through providing service to the school in the form of parent participation. Alum Rock Board Policy asks for 30 hours of service to the school.
In compliance with California Education Codes 35183 and 35294.1, Aptitud has established a positive student dress code which, by law, is not a protected form of free speech.
UNIFORMS AND GROOMING: At Aptitud, good grooming is required, and each student must dress appropriately for school. Anything that interferes with learning, disrupts the educational process, and/or is offensive to other students or staff is not allowed.
Aptitud has established school uniforms for the convenience and pleasure of the parents and students. All students are expected to be in full uniform the first day of school, and every day. The uniform consists of:
1. Khaki or black pants, shorts, jumpers, or skirts. (Shorts, skirts, and jumpers must be 4 inches above the knee. Also, all clothing should display no pictures, writing, or stripes.) Green plaid jumpers are also fine.
2. White or dark green polo shirts or turtleneck shirts. Polo shirts must have collars and buttons. White or dark green button-up shirts and blouses with a collar are also acceptable. All shirts and blouses must be worn tucked into pants, shorts or skirts.
3. Pants must fit, not bag or sag. Belts help! White, green, black, brown, tan, or gray belts are O.K. No web belts. NO ripped or torn pants or jeans.
4. Athletic shoes, oxfords, or loafers (No platforms, open toes, sandals, flip-flops, slippers, roller blade shoes, or any footwear that may present a safety hazard and could result in injuries are permitted. We are concerned about student safety.)
5. White, dark green, black, brown, gray, khaki, or tan jackets, sweaters or sweatshirts with no team logos or other colors.
6. White, green, khaki, black caps with a brim (Caps are to be worn outside only with the brim facing forward. No bandanas, hairnets, or do-rags are allowed.)
7. Aptitud middle school students (grades 6, 7, & 8) have the option of wearing gray polo shirts, with collar and buttons.
Alum Rock Union Elementary School District and the Child Nutrition services department will be providing breakfast and lunch every morning and afternoon at “NO COST” to all district students. Breakfast will be served from 7:40 a.m. to 8:10 a.m. and will begin the first day of school.
Meal Prices:
Breakfast: No Cost Lunch: No Cost
If you would like to provide a lunch from home, please make sure your child arrives with it in the morning. Calling classrooms to remind students to pick up lunches from the office interrupts instructional time.
Guidelines include: school materials only, no toys, no writing on the outside except the student’s full name, and school colors (no red or blue colors). If you have a financial hardship, we can provide students with a backpack and a few school supplies. Please inquire in the front office.
Students are prohibited from having, using or turning on any unauthorized electronic device, including cellular phones, bluetooth headphones, airpods, or smart watches, while on campus or while being transported on the school bus. No smart watches of any kind are allowed.
First offense, device will be confiscated and returned to a parent/guardian after a meeting with an school administrator.
Second offense, device will be confiscated for one month and returned to a parent/guardian after a meeting with an school administrator.
Second offense, device will be confiscated for the remainder of the school year and returned to a parent/guardian after a meeting with an school administrator.
Aptitud will not be responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged iPods, iPads, MP3 Players, cell phones, smart watches or any other electronic devices.
Please be sure to call the school at 408-928-7650 on the first day of absence if your child is ill, and then send a written note, including date(s) of absence, reason for absence, and signature of parent/guardian. If we do not hear from you after the first two hours of school, state law requires us to contact you. If you have no phone, we must call emergency numbers, your place of work, etc., in an attempt to make contact. Until contact is made, the cause of absence will be listed as “unexcused.” We will notify you in writing when your child has missed three or more days. Also, please arrange with your child’s teacher for make-up work. Medical and other appointments should not be made during school hours. Vacations should not be scheduled while classes are in session. Please do everything you can do as a parent to make sure your child is present and on time for school every day. This will allow your child to be current in their studies and will show your child how much you value their education.
Role of the Parent
The role played by parents in preparing children for school is enormous. We believe that good parenting provides the foundation for student success and effective schools provide the support systems for it to continue.
It is important that parents take an active part in supporting the goals of the school program. Parents, teachers, and students each have responsibilities that contribute towards a successful school experience. In order to work toward a positive outcome, it is expected that parents will cooperate with school authorities in maintaining standards of good behavior in their children.
Parents need to be informed about their child’s progress in school.
Parents need to:
1. Provide a quiet place for their child to do homework. Check to see if homework has been completed.
2. Review child’s report card.
3. Participate in teacher conferences
4. Follow remedial suggestions recommended by the school.
5. Attend special programs and functions, which are presented by the school for parents and family personnel.
6. Support disciplinary procedures of the school by actions and attitudes.
As an Aptitud parent, nothing is more worthy of your time and involvement than the early years of your child’s education. This is an invitation for you to become involved with your school. The contributions you can make to your school do count. Parent volunteers in the classroom are welcome. Becoming a part of the School Site Council (SSC) and/or the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) gives you the opportunity to directly affect and support the education of your child.
El papel de los padres de familia en la preparación de sus hijos para la escuela es enorme. Nosotros creemos que la buena crianza de los hijos proporciona la base del éxito estudiantil y las escuelas efectivas brindan los sistemas de apoyo para que continúe el éxito estudiantil.
Es muy importante que los padres de familia tengan un papel activo en el apoyo de las metas educativas del programa escolar. Los padres de familia, maestros y los estudiantes tienen cada uno responsabilidades que contribuyen a un experiencia escolar exitosa. Para trabajar hacia un resultado positivo, se espera que los padres cooperen con las autoridades escolares en mantener las normas de buena conducta de sus hijos.
Los padres de familia tienen que tener interés y estar informados sobre el progreso de su hijo en la escuela.
1. Brindar un lugar tranquilo para que su hijo haga la tarea. Revisar para ver si su hijo ha terminado su tarea.
2. Revisar la boleta de calificaciones de su hijo.
3. Participar en las reuniones con maestros.
4. Seguir las recomendaciones de recuperación o correctivas de la escuela.
5. Asistir a los programas especiales y actos escolares presentados para los padres y las familias.
6. Enviar a su hijo a la escuela con una actitud positiva hacia el aprendizaje y el personal de la escuela.
7. Apoyar los procedimientos disciplinarios de la escuela mediante acciones y actitudes.
Como padre de familia de la Escuela Aptitud, no hay nada más valioso que su tiempo y participación que los primeros años de la educación de su hijo. Esta es una invitación para que usted participe en su escuela. Las contribuciones que usted haga a su escuela se toman en cuenta. Son bienvenidos los padres que se ofrecen como voluntarios en el salón de clases. El ser parte del Consejo del Plantel Escolar (SSC, siglas en inglés) y/o la Asociación de Padres y Maestros (PTO, siglas en inglés) le da la oportunidad de influir directamente y apoyar la educación de su hijo.